Terms & Conditions

Cary Galley of Artists Small Treasures Show

I, the Artist, certify that I have read the entire Prospectus for SEVENTEENTH ANNUAL SMALL TREASURES JURIED EXHIBIT (“the Exhibition”), and, by checking “I Agree to the Terms & Conditions”, I agree to abide by all the terms and conditions put forth thereof.
All entries will be handled with the best care possible. Cary Gallery of Artists (“The Gallery”) members and exhibition staff shall not be responsible for any loss or damages to artwork submitted to the Exhibition. By entering the Exhibition, the artist agrees to indemnify and hold harmless said entities, and to abide by all the requirements and conditions of this Prospectus. Failure to comply will result in non-acceptance of the juried entry.
The artist agrees that by entering the Exhibition, the Gallery is granted sole right to sell the submitted work for the duration of the Exhibition. Further, the Artist grants the Gallery the right to use their images of accepted work(s) for publications of this, and future, exhibitions.

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